<aside> 🌳 Crop templates are composed of 5 major sections, each containing unique data that you can edit to meet your needs.
At the top of each crop template, you will find 5 sections:
1) Crop settings, 2) Operations, 3) Revenue, 4) Loss Events, and 5) Carbon.
Your Crop Settings are specified during the initial creation of your template, but can be altered at any time. Learn more about this data here.
The Operations section is where you account for every activity required to successfully plant and manage your crop, from soil preparation to post-harvest. Within every operation, you can specify the nitty gritty details of a task, including labor requirements, input and equipment needs, etc.
Some crop templates will be pre-populated with operations data, meaning your task will be to edit a given operation’s details to best reflect your farm’s processes and capacity.
To create a new operation, simply click New Operation +
To edit an operation, click the specific operation you would like to edit, adjust its details, and click Save
Operation details include: