Your Yield calculation is based on your stem count (defined during the design process), as well as your target yield, 30 year yield model, mortality rate, and loss events (defined in your crop template).
The yield for any given year will be as follows:
Number of survived trees x % Target yield achieved (expressed as a decimal) x Target yield x Loss event 1 adjustment (expressed as a decimal) x Loss event 2 adjustment, etc.
Number of replanted trees x % Target yield achieved (expressed as a decimal) x Target yield x Loss event 1 adjustment (expressed as a decimal) x Loss event 2 adjustment, etc.
For example, say you have 2739 trees planted in 2023 with 10% mortality, a 5% shrinkage loss event annually, a 20% disease loss every four years starting in year 7, and a target yield of 3 lbs per tree, achieved in year 7, with the following yield curve.
What would be your total yield for all trees be in year 7, provided you replant your initially deceased trees in year 2024?
The calculation would follow:
2739 trees total x .9 survival = 2465.1 survived trees
2465.1 survivors x 3 lbs per tree (target yield) x 1 (100% target yield achieved in year 7)
= 7395.3 lbs before losses
yield loss from shrinkage (5%)
yield loss from diseases/pests (20%) = 7395.3 lbs * .95 (shrinkage) * .8 (diseases/pests) = 5620.4 lbs
2739 trees total x .1 replanted = 273.9 replanted trees x 3 lbs per tree (target yield) x .7 (70% yield achieved for replanted trees) = 575.19 lbs
5620 lbs from survied trees + 546 lbs from replanted trees
= 6166 lbs yield in year 7 (2029)
A few notes to consider during these calculations: