Used in combination with other tools such as QGIS and Avenza, exports from Overyield can simplify data collection for on-farm research.
You can download these other tools here.
QGIS download
Avenza download
Note - there are likely many other strategies for collecting crop data for perennial and tree-based agriculture systems, but these are some of the ways we’ve collected data in our work.
Example of Overyield exports uploaded to Avenza, where data can be collected on a tree-by-tree, field-by-field, plot-by-plot, or layer-by-layer basis.
Our team often uses Geo-PDF’s as the basemaps used in Avenza.
Once created as a Georeferenced PDF, the basemap can be imported to Avenza.
To import a new map:
Import Map
to select the GeoPDF saved to a storage location on your device or in the cloud.
Once your processed layers are stored to the cloud or on your phone as KML files, you can bring them into Avenza for data collection on the farm.